February 17 to 22
Members only.
This is your chance to improve your game and enjoy some social play. Look out for daily clinics for adults and families as well as a fun tournament on Saturday, February 22.
12.15-1pm: Pickleball Clinic with Asif - Intro to Pickleball rules and basics
6.15-7pm: Pickleball Clinic with Asif - Focus on strategy and tactics
7-9pm: Social Pickleball - A fast-growing and fun family sport for all ages!
Wednesday & Frinday
11.15am – 12.15pm:
Pickleball Clinic with Asif - Enhance your game and improve your skills
1-2pm: Family Workshop with Asif
2-3pm: Free Play
3-4pm: Family Workshop with Asif
4-5pm: Free Play
5-7pm: Fun Tournament and Games
Children aged 8-12 (parent/child encouraged)
Enrolment deadline: Tuesday, February 18
Enquiries: 2814 1222